How to find tea Exporters from India
Tea is one of the country’s most popular products, famously drank by people all over the world. In case you are interested in sourcing tea exporters who are based in India, there are few simple procedures that would enable you achieve this.
It will help even if you are just testing the waters or even starting a new business venture, searching for a tea exporter is very critical. This guide will provide a step by step approach to help those that may be new to the process.
Understand What You Are Wanting
To get on your journey of learning how to find tea exporters, you should first be clear on your requirements. Do you have any preference of tea that you would wish to use in your dinner party? The country of India is known for kinds of kinds such as Assam, Darjeeling, and Nilgiri. It is important to determine which kind of tea one wishes to export so as to market to the right sellers.
On having a clear understanding of the type of tea required, advancement would be made to the identification of the exporters of the required product.
Explore Online Directories
Searching for tea exporters based in India has never been easier especially if one opts to use online directories. There are many online directories where people provide information about exporters and categorize them; tea is amongst the most demanded categories. You may filter the result by region, type of tea or even the size of the company. Some common platforms are export directories/ trade association sponsored site or export site constructed by export promotion councils.
Nevertheless, these directories may be useful and at times it becomes rather complex to determine the authenticity of the exporters. In most cases, people should ensure that the company is legit and use the products with some reviews or ratings from previous users.
Make Use of Siomex Import Export Data Whole Sellers and Suppliers of Import Export Data
A better approach to obtaining contact information of tea exporters from India is by consulting in import-export data firms such as Siomex. Siomex provides statistical information on exporters with the intention of demonstrating their transaction profile, the products offered and the market occupied by exporters. This goes along way in revealing the bona fide exporters and how long they have operated in the world market.
For instance, Siomex would help you search individual tea exporters, check out shipment history, and learn the primary destinations of the exporter’s shipment. Such information help you to paint a better picture of the exporter and whether they trades on the type of tea you require.
As compared to simple online directories, such platforms as Siomex provide more transparent info on exporters, thereby excluding potentially scary contacts with a new exporter that may turn out to be non-serious or even a fraudster.
Attend Trade Fairs and Expos
Of course, if you want to get to know potential tea exporters in person, it is supposed to attend trade fairs and expos. India always organizes tea specific trade fare where exporter displays their production before the international buyers. As the teas are purchased from overseas exporters, you have the opportunity of getting an impression of the quality of the tea, talk to exporters directly and then close deals at such events.
Besides this, you get to taste different types of tea and also assess the different exporters within the fair. Trade fairs can be used to acquire information tactilely and also to foster business relationships that are why they are suitable for people who seek to develop close relationships with suppliers.
Connect with Tea Associations
There are many tea bodies in India including Tea Board of India which play their role in over seeing the tea industry. These organizations can turn out to be a suitable source for identifying potential tea exporters.
Sometimes they can have a list of accredited exporters, which are those that meet the international standards hence work with.
You can log onto their websites or get in touch with them to get more direction. This strategy brings reliability since tea exporters involved with the official boards are performing legitimate businesses.
Advantages, Limitation and best Practice of Social networking Sites
Through social media one can easily find businesses such as the tea exporters. LinkedIn or Instagram can offer information on the actions of various exporters who deal with tea products. Most of the exporters have their updates about the businesses and products, so, it will be easier for you to find a suitable exporter for a potential partnership.
Besides the social media, there is nothing that can compare with networking within the industry as it can easily secure a one an introduction to other trusted exporters. If you have a friend or at least know a person who had an opportunity to work in the import-export business, they will provide you with more personal references.
Verify the Exporter
After identifying potential tea exporters you may wish to get to know more about the credibility of the exporter before signing a business deal. This is where platforms like Siomex become very valuable.I With the help of Siomex, you will be able to look through the information concerning the experience of the exporter, references of clients and general trends in the market.
Also, do not hesitate to request references, certifications and if necessary export licences from the exporter. This verification step will provide assurance to the exporter’s authenticity and will minimize future complications.
It may actually be quite easy to get confused when searching for tea exporters originating from India, however by adopting these tips, you’ll be in a better standing to make the right connections.
Always start by getting your tea needs very well outlined and use agency directories, trade shows, and other data sources such as Siomex. Siomex offers specific export information that assist the consumer in selecting the right exporter without any doubt.
With these resources in hand, confirming the exporter’s legitimacy and spending just a bit of time searching, you will be ready to source the perfect Indian tea exporter for your needs.