
Author: Siomex

What is the rank of India in global export?
Foreign Trade data

What is the rank of India in global export?

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Have you ever wondered why India is so much in talks and news these days . Well there is a reason behind it . As per the import export data India is a big eeconomy and have a lot more potential . The country is also a major player in the trade world . It […]

import Export data
Global Export Data

What Are The Items China Imports From India

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China and India both have a long history of Trade together . Both countries are very powerful both politically and economically . Both countries also have the largest population in the world . The global import export data shows that these two countries export and import goods from each other even though they don’t have […]

Import Export data
Foreign Trade data

How to find buyers for import export business

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If you are also engaged in import export business or willing to start a new business in the import export industry then . The import export data shows that the first thing that you require is a good number of buyers and also the quality of buyers for your goods . But  finding the good […]

Import Export data
Global Export Data

Most Exported electric Products from India

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As we all know the  market of every country is always changing . The demand and supply of a specific product keeps on changing which affects the economy of a country . The import and export data shows us that India is a major country in affecting the economies of other countries . It is […]

Canada Import export Data
Foreign Trade data

Canada Import Trade and Export Trade Data

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Canada is a country that is very beautiful. It has many beautiful places to visit . Canada is also among the big economies of the world. The reason why it has a good economy is because they are engaged in exchange of goods and services with many countries . As per the import export data […]