
Which country has highest trade with India?
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Which country has highest trade with India?

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In early times as per the import export data India was only anagricultural country and most of the people who were engaged in farming and were also living in rural areas.

But when the with the growth of  India’s began with the help of globalization the  economy of Indi landscape changed significantly.

Earlier India was only dependent on imports while also exporting but only a few items in order to become a self sufficient country .

Today India is a major player in the global trade with many different industries in the whole the country.

Also as per the export data India. The country also produces many goods on their own but still relies on imports for some items that are not easily available in India..

This trade involves both exporting quality products to some countries and importing necessary items from others.

Before that let’s briefly discuss India’s current trade status that is based on import and export data given

Current Trade Status of India:

India has very good trade relationships with almost all countries that helps in the exchange of goods worldwide.

The port data also helps in showing  that India is a major country in the global trade landscape.

During the last year India imported a lot of goods that were around $500 billion and exported goods worth nearly $400 billion which was around  22% increase.

We know that India still faces trade deficit but after new ways that were implemented it has improved a lot . A lot !

Country with the highest trade from India

Before looking at the highest trading partner of India  many people  would think of China.

But the top trading partner for India is the United States (USA).

India engages in both imports and exports with the USA while also enjoying very  strong and good political and trade relationship.

Some of the products that India exports to the USA include pharmaceuticals chemicals, and metal items.

Some of the products that India imports from USA are the airplane parts, gems and jewelry, machinery.

Most importantly  both countries are  big economies and are also nuclear powers that also have political alliance that other nations are also aware of.

Trade with Other Countries

After the USA  China is also important trading partner for India even though they all have some challenges in their relationship.

Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) are also among India’s top trade partners that are related to import of oilrelated products.

From the UAE India also imports gold and electronic products. In exchang the country exports vegetables, fruits while also having strong relationships.


These are the countries with which India conducts the most trade.

If you wish to delve deeper into this topic you can visit Siomox, which provides accurate import and export data.