How India Became a Rubber Exports among Global Market
India has always been a country of high potential; natural resource, hardworking people, and commerce history has always been famous in India. Of all the industries that have evolved and established itself over the years in the global market, India’s rubber industry is one that has recorded tremendous improvement.
Its humble start has seen India gain the position of one of the main rubber exporters in the world market. But how did this transformation occur as a reality television show? OK, let us again walk the journey and try to make it easier by explaining it in process form with concrete examples.
Starting from the Roots
India has been a leading producer of rubber Export and more so in southern part of the country and this is as a result of the right climatic conditions. Let me visualize a typical small holder farmer in kerala having a small rubber plantation.
Perhaps 15-30 years ago, this farmer needed to sell the latex to small companies or local factories. The same farmer’s crops can be today incorporated into a supply chain and sold to manufacturers in Germany, Japan or USA.
It might sound unimaginable to term India as a leading exporter of rubber but the journey has not been a short one. It was the result of the positive environment, governmental action, and the earnest effort of tens of millions of men and women in the United States.
The Growth of Small Producers
Another reason that explains why India has been able to excel in rubber export business is that producers include small farmers. Picture this: a small holder farmer with say five hectares cultivating rubber trees taps the latex and selling directly to cooperatives or big companies. During these cooperatives, resource contribute, facilitate quality raw materials and most important ensure that the rubber produced meets international standard.
In encouraging and linking small producers to large markets, India established a situation in which all participants benefited. This system supported increasing the production rates and, at the same time, keeping the prices relatively low and high quality which is very important in the global context.
Expanding the Market
Consumers do pay attention to products that are quality and cheap. Later on the Indian rubber started getting recognition for its ability to deliver quality goods. The manufacturers in other countries also wake up to the reality that they can depend on the Indian rubber. From the tires, shoes, and other automobile accessories to industrial material, rubber from India was entering a host of products all over the world.
Simplifying this growth could be explained by a use of an example of a car tire company in Europe. The need high quality rubber because of the demanding pace of production that is characteristic of their operations. Rather than buying it locally even if it is slightly pricey, they opted to get it from India where they could achieve their ideal quality/price ratio. This consistent demand compelled the exports of India’s higher and higher every year.
Overcoming Challenges
However, the process was not always very smooth. As in any developing sector, the rubber sector attracted its fair share of problems as well. Swing in the international prices, competition from other countries was inevitable in front of Indian producers.
As for these challenges, the latter managed to overcome them, including staying informed as a primary method. They attributed improvement in decision-making to access to reliable data on global trade flows, demand, and prices. It was in this regard that it is important services such as Siomex, an import export data service came in handy. As they say the sky is the limit since exporters now have adequate and reliable data on which they can base their strategies, target other markets and positions themselves well to respond to emerging trends.
For instance, if a rubber exporter from India intends to penetrate the new market in South America but cannot survey it for demand. From the information retrieved from Siomex, they could easily know the countries which have a high demand for rubber, the price regimes and potentially able to engage the buyers. It becoming clear that this data lead approach was what brought the difference to the export of rubber from India.
Government Assistance and Measures
Alternatively, India’s government has also supported the development of the rubber industry. The government policymaker was initiating subsidization, exportation, and fair business practices that would help competition to encourage the producers. Assume a small exporter who lacked the funds to exhibit his/her company’s products at an international trade fair. These they got through some government support that helped them to be able to meet the buyers from the various parts of the world enhancing their business.
The Role of Technology
Technology is the another boon for the rubber industry in India. From better ways of planting crops to ways of refining raw materials technology helped enhance productivity and quality.
For instance, most advanced rubber processing units have machines that determine the quality of the end product as having standard quality. This consistency is important as buyers in the global market expect nothing other than consistency. Moreover, the current advancement in technology has enabled many exporters to undertake their businesses through online platforms and tools including Siomex that allow tracking of shipment and supply chain networks and customer relation.
A critical factor that have determined the success of India in rubber exports therefore is the fact that the country has managed to develop good relationship with buyers across the globe. Reliability is another important component of any business and Indian exporters by offering better service, good quality products and favorable price have built this trust.
Think of it like this: if you are a buyer, once you have had a wonderful session of buying from India, you will always come back for more orders. This loyalty has enabled the Indian exporters to establish a stable market in the foreign market.
A Bright Future Ahead
The Indian rubber industry is about opportunity more than it is about export. Comprising millions of people from farmers to factory workers to logistics providers, this is one success story.
There is a steady rise in the consumers for rubber products all over the world and India is in a good position to supply the entire required quantity and also capture a higher percent of the market share in the future.
By making the right focus on quality, adopting technology, and using tools like Siomex, India rubber exporters can pave way to success in international market. This journey is true to test the fact that much can be achieved by a country, intent and team with vision.
And that is why the emergence of India as one of the largest rubber exporter is not merely a business story, it is a story of growth, opportunities in this world and power of unity. And that is something that we all can get a tip or two.
It is also important to know more about India that made it a leading exporter of rubber.
Rubber export success is because of climatically favorable geographical conditions for growing rubber, the large and connected network of small holder producers, government support and the facilities in technology.
Fortunately these factors work in synergy with a focus on quality and a more sensible concept of affordability in the Indian rupee, to have made Indian rubber very popular internationally.
In what ways has Siomex proved itself beneficial to rubber exporters in India?
Siomex brings precise import/export figures which enable the exporters in the rubber industry Siomex offers accurate information on import/export to help rubber exporters find new selling markets, and get abreast of the market demands as well as prices.
Exporters can make better decisions and conclusions and thus effectively compete in the existing market environment.
This paper seeks to establish the following main questions: What, in your opinion, were some of the major hurdles that India had to overcome before it started to act as a major exporter of rubber?
Some major issues threatened rubber industry in India as they include lack of stability in the rubber prices in the global market, or intensive competition from other countries, and a rising demand for quality rubber in the international market.
They became a hindrance though technology, government support and with the help of information tools such as Siomex India was able to overcome these challenges and emerged as a stronger contender in the global market.
This paper aims to explore the roles of small farmers in exporting India’s rubber.
Small holder farmers are equally involved in the production and supply of raw rubber in India’s export market.
Some of these farmers employ the services of cooperatives and other big firms to be assured of quality crops produced to world standards. Hearing this inclusive process increases production and offers chances for farmers to export their products globally.
This paper aims at answering the following questions:
The future of rubber exports is bright for India. Rising demand in international market, improvement in the production techniques of farming and processing technology along with the market trend inform of Siomex platform make India more capable to increase its market share and so has always the success stories in rubber industry.