
Company Privacy Policy

Siomex B2B While appreciating the users concern for his/ her privacy, this statement discloses the practices being followed by this Website in this regard. This statement while reinforcing our commitment to User's Privacy ensures the User a safe & pleasurable online experience. This statement shall form part & parcel of the User Agreement executed between the user & siomex.com/b2b/ and as such shall be subject to the terms & conditions mentioned in the User Agreement.

Uses of Information:

As development of siomex.com/b2b/ is a continuous & dynamic process, in order to improve the content & product offering, the management of siomex.com/b2b/ retain the right to delete or add any information. As regard any additional information required, the management of siomex.com/b2b/ may call upon the user's to provide the same. Further, the Website Management reserves the right to reveal any information required by any Statutory Authority, when called for.

Password Secrecy:

At all times, the user should keep the password secret. The user is solely responsible for maintaining secrecy of this information. siomex.com/b2b/'s management does not assume any responsibility on this behalf. The user has to take all necessary and reasonable precautions to prevent unauthorized use of the service and unauthorized access to his/ her accounts. In case the customer believes that his / her password is known to someone else, he/she should change their password immediately. Incase of a misuse the user shall be responsible for all the consequences. 


siomex.com/b2b/ is maintained as per International accepted standards in this Industry. These standards include constantly upgrading the technology to prevent unauthorized uses.

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